Introductory Courses

Training- Introductory Courses

This listing includes various introductory courses in trials methodology and trial design. For training in specific methods, see here. To receive our fortnightly newsletter including publications, events, training and more send us an email.

Title/link to courseCourse detailsHostDate
[[|Improving healthcare through clinical research]]Online Course- live from June 2016 hosted by Future Learn. This free online course is all about this process of discovery and how it is used to improve healthcare. Future learn- University of Leeds- online Online
[[|A practical introduction to runnng randomised clinical trials]]Four day course to improve knowledge and skills in the design, practical conduct, management and analysis of randomised clinical trials. Talks and workshop activities, will cover the principles, methodology and practical implementation of RCTs.Keele University12-15 June 2018
[[|Research Methods]]Three day course in research methods for clinical trials.University of Birmingham9-11 July and 19-21 November 2018
[[|Introduction to randomised trials]]Five day course. The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of key issues in the design, analysis and reporting of clinical trials.University of Bristol2-6 July 2018
[[|Clinical Trial Training for Investigators: Improving Health by Improving Trials]]Five day course including trial design, trial conduct, recruitment of trial participants, public and patient involvement, analysis and reporting, health economics.University of Liverpool24-28 September 2018
[[|Clinical Trial Management]]Three-day course. Whether planning a large multicenter trial, or seeking to maximize the effectiveness of a smaller project, delegates on this course will learn how to design and run successful trials to produce reliable answers. University of Oxford18-22 June 2018
[[ |Randomized Controlled Trials]]Five-day course. Designing and improving your trial with the experts University of Oxford4-8 June 2018
[[|RANDOMISED CONTROLLED TRIAL COURSE 2018: A Guide to Design, Conduct, Analysis, Interpretation and Reporting]]Five day course. This course provides a thorough grounding in the principles and practice of randomised controlled trials (RCTs) for the evaluation of healthcare interventions. It will include talks and practicals to give examples and guidance on the methodology of trials using a problem-based learning approach.University of Oxford17-21 September 2018
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