Skills training

Training- Skills Training

In compiling this list, we have focused on training activities that are mainly or exclusively about clinical trials. We recognise that many other courses might also be useful to people involved in clinical trials (for example, systematic reviews, time management, statistical or economic analysis, and qualitative research methodology) but this list is not comprehensive.

We also include links to external partners' resources where more courses of similar focus can be found.

Please contact us if you would like to request a course relevant to clinical trials methodology to be added to this list. To receive our fortnightly newsletter including publications, events, training and more send us an email.

Title/link to courseCourse detailsHostDate
[[|Introduction to research governance]]Two day course giving a general introduction to aspects of research governance and ethics.University of BristolFebruary
[[|Introduction to qualitative research methods]]Five day course intended to give an overview and introduction to the major qualitative research methods used in the social scientific study of health and illness and increasingly in public health, health services and other health-related research.University of BristolFebruary
[[|Introduction to Rates and Survival Analysis]]Two day course on survival analysis using Stata, Poisson and Cox.University of Bristol14 - 15 May 2018
[[|Introduction to linear and logistic regression models]]Five day course to provide an understanding of the statistical principles behind, and the practical application of, univariable and multivariable linear and logistic regression in medical, epidemiological and health services research.University of BristolApril
[[|Designing Phase I dose escalation studies]]One day course focussed on state of the art methodology for dose-escalation studies.University of Lancaster4-5 June 2018
[[|Causal inference in Epidemiology: Concepts and Methods]]Five day course to provide a grounding in the concepts and analysis of causal models, clustered data, missing data and measurement error.University of Bristol4-6 June 2018
[[|Systematic reviews and meta-analyses of health research]]Five day course to provide participants with a basis in the design, analysis and interpretation of systematic reviews of health research. Participants will be given grounding in all aspects involved in conducting a systematic review and meta-analysis, and will have the opportunity to gain practical experience of the tasks involved. London School of Hygiene and Tropical MedicineSeptember
[[|Introduction to Bayesian Statistics using BUGS and Advanced Bayesian Modelling with BUGS]]Two day course is intended to provide an introduction to Bayesian analysis and MCMC methods, and a fairly detailed tutorial on the use of OpenBUGS/WinBUGS/JAGS. MRC Biostatistics Unit23 - 24 October 2018
[[|Advanced Bayesian Modelling using BUGS]]Two day course designed for statisticians who want to improve their command of the BUGS modelling software. The course will assume a previous knowledge of BUGS to the level of our companion course Introduction to Bayesian analysis using BUGS. Participants will learn how the BUGS language can be used to build models that represent the complexities of real data.MRC Biostatistics UnitFebruary
[[|Introduction to statistics]]Five day course aimed at introducing the basic statistical concepts and methods commonly used in medical and public health research.University of BristolNovember
[[|Trial outcomes - what are we trying to measure?]]Covering the most common primary outcomes measures used in early and late phase cancer trials (response and time to event measures such as survival, disease free survival etc).University College London12-Jun-18
[[|Independent Data Monitoring Committees ]]One day course aimed at those currently or soon to be involved in Independent Data Monitoring Committees (IDMC), and will answer the question: "What do people who serve on them, report to them or receive reports from them need to know?University College London9 May and 10 October 2018
Title/link to courseCourse detailsHostDate

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